Hanh Do – Speaking 4 the Planet https://speaking4theplanet.org.au an Arts-based approach to sustainability Wed, 26 Feb 2025 09:18:12 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/speaking4theplanet.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/cropped-48x48-S4P-Icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Hanh Do – Speaking 4 the Planet https://speaking4theplanet.org.au 32 32 117838204 Climate Change: Take Action. Inspire Action https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/climate-change-take-action-inspire-action/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=climate-change-take-action-inspire-action Sat, 08 Feb 2025 14:24:14 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2424 Climate Change: Take Action. Inspire Action

Inner West Council is hosting an online Speaking 4 the Planet competition for youth in its LGA. The topic for the competition is Climate Change: Take Action. Inspire Action.

  • Competition category: Video. Maximum length is 3mins (with credits). Your video could be:
    • Speech by an individual
    • Conversation
    • Drama
    • Dance
    • Performance poetry
    • Artworks explained
    • Writing explained
    • Song
    • Documentary
    • Interviews
  • Make it original. Make it stand out. Perhaps even a bit quirky. Make it inspire.
  • Young people from 12 – 24 years old are eligible to participate if they live, work or study in the Inner West Local Government Area. There are two age groups for the competition:
    • Youth – ages 12-16.
    • Senior – ages 17- 24.
  • Participation is FREE for schools and students.
  • Closing date for submissions is 31 March 2025.

Each age group will have a first prize and a runner-up prize.

  • 1st prize in each age group includes a $100 Westfield voucher and an S4P prize pack.
  • 2nd prize in each age group includes a $30 Westfield voucher and an S4P prize pack.

To join in, you need to do fill in S4P submission form for entries: S4P Submission form

S4P provides you this Support Package. The Support Package contains information about the competition category and the judging criteria; it also provides some links to articles relevant to the topic.

What are you waiting for?!

Let’s join in!

RESULT City of Parramatta S4P online competition https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/result-city-of-parramatta-s4p-online-competition/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=result-city-of-parramatta-s4p-online-competition Mon, 11 Nov 2024 01:59:11 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2371 Trees sustain life. Trees sustain civilizations!

The end of year S4P competition in Parramatta included just one category – speaking.  The topic was the same as the national one:  Trees, the Guardians of Life. This special high school competition was organised with the support of the City of Parramatta Council. It included junior and senior categories.

Here are our winners:

Senior group: 

  • Winner:  Mia
  • Runner-up:  Annoushka Maikap

Junior group

  • Winner:  Sophie
  • Runner-up:  Sameera Rajendram

Please listen to this wonderful winning speech by Mia from Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta:

“Mother Nature urges humanity to safeguard Earth’s guardians—trees—warning of a bleak future without them, while challenging humans to protect and restore our planet”.

Winners National S4P 2024 – Trees: the Guardians of Life https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/winners-national-s4p-2024-trees-the-guardians-of-life/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=winners-national-s4p-2024-trees-the-guardians-of-life Sun, 15 Sep 2024 08:42:41 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2354 Dear all,

Please see winners from the national, online 2024 Speaking 4 the Planet competition.

Congratulations to all entrants and to the winners in each category.

Apologies for the delayed results. We had technical challenges with many of the entries.

There were 90 entries in total. The bulk of those fell in the Writing category. Surprising to see that there were no entries in the Speaking category, and for the Performance Poetry section we received only written poems.  We are able to offer a third prize in the Art category.

To the winners, please respond to me directly so we can sort out details for distributing the prizes.

Phil Smith



First place

Deanna Tsotras

Sutherland Shire, enormous jacaranda trees stand tall.

They are the defenders of life, and they will never fall.

Branches stretch out; arms embrace.

drawing us within for comfort and grace.

Deanna wrote about her writing: “In my work, I created a poem that uses words to ignite imagination and evoke emotions, enabling readers to explore other regions.”

Deanna is from Our Lady of Mercy Catholic College, Burraneer, Sutherland Shire

Second place

Ella Abbey

The birds, the butterflies, the beasts are no more. The river, the mountain, the valley, silent. Their mossy guardian is toppled, the forest’s lifeblood crushed. The grand trees no more.

Ella’ piece is about a natural world without trees.

Ella is from Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, Terranora, Tweed Shire


First place

Alexandra Taggart

from Engadine High School, Sutherland Shire

Sydney Red Gum by Alexandra “Our future depends on trees, but trees can’t depend on us. We blindly murder this wonderful greenery, causing ecosystems to fall… eventually taking us.”

Second place

Angela Harris & Crew

from Murwillumbah Learning Community High School, Tweed Shire.

Trees, guardians of the land by Angela and the crew: “Bushland supports our wellbeing and communities, offering homes for wildlife. Trees and animals work together to protect, nourish and sustain our environment and future.”

Third place

Isabella Wu

from Abbotsleigh, Ku-ring-gai Council.

We by Isabella Wu: “Interconnectedness of tree, nature & blossoming of life guides me to live with nurturing kindness to the world”.
City of Parramatta S4P online competition https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/city-of-parramatta-s4p-online-competition/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=city-of-parramatta-s4p-online-competition Mon, 19 Aug 2024 06:45:57 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2292 City of Parramatta S4P online competition

(Updated Nov 2024) Result!!! RESULT City of Parramatta S4P online competition – Speaking 4 the Planet

Trees sustain life. Trees sustain civilizations!   

Wherever we live in this country – near the coast, along rivers, in mountains or in cities like Parramatta – we have valuable trees and bushland. Trees are a part of our lives. And they matter. Trees sustain life. Trees sustain civilizations. 

If you are a high school student in Parramatta, join this speaking competition.

Information Package

Click here to read Information Package: Link.

It contains information on the topic, links to resources, and explanation and judging criteria for each category. Be sure to visit council’s website for information on such things as bushland management, canopy cover, tree replacement policies… 

Submission Portal

Click here to get to the Submission Portal: Link.

Closing date

25 October 2024.

Anthony’s words on his experience for S4P in 2023
Ashwini Aravinthan talks about S4P experience.
Kids 4 Planet 2024: Listening 2 the Planet https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/kids-4-planet-2024-listening-2-the-planet/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kids-4-planet-2024-listening-2-the-planet Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:09:20 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2333 Kids 4 Planet 2024: Listening 2 the Planet

Trees are sanctuaries.

Whoever knows how to speak to them,

whoever knows how to listen to them,

can learn the truth.

Hermann Karl Hesse, (1877-1962)

The 2024 Kids 4 the Planet competition at Lakemba PS is entitled, Listening 2 the Planet.  It takes place on Thursday 27 June.

In this Stage 3 competition, students will compete in 5 categories:

  1. Speaking
  2. Writing
  3. Art
  4. Video
  5. STEM

Read the Support Package: Here

Here’s a video by the K4P Ambassador, Minh Khue.  She is an 8 year-old student from Ba Dinh Primary School in Ha Noi, Viet Nam.

“Be courageous as you listen, as you act”, by Minh Khue, K4P Ambassador.
RESULT: UGANDA competition, 2024 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/result-uganda-competition-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=result-uganda-competition-2024 Wed, 22 May 2024 04:11:26 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2297 RESULT: UGANDA competition, 2024

On Saturday 13 April 2024, St Mark’s College, Namagoma, Uganda (www.stmark.sc.ug), hosted the first-ever Speaking 4 the Planet competition in Africa. The college invited participation through its many clubs, and the competition theme was, Use your philosophy as a club to address environmental challenges. 

by St. Mark’s College Namagoma.

Students aged 12-20 participated. Participation was free.

11 clubs participated with over 200 participants from all clubs. They set up interactive booths and displays to showcase their activities. Every participant received a certificate of participation and the outstanding participants got golden medals.

Clubs ranged from academic – Debate & Writers, ICT, Maths, Entrepreneurship, Swahili (EAC) and Science – to creative – Art, Cultural – to community service – Wildlife, Interact, Red Cross, Patriotism.

Each participating club presented four items:

• Junior speaker (12-15yrs old): Maximum time 4 minutes 

• Senior speaker (16-20yrs old): Maximum time 4 minutes

• Art:  One person speaks for maximum 1minute about the artwork. 

• One other item chosen from Drama, Dance, Poetry: Maximum time 4 minutes.

The winning club was the Science Club. The club was awarded a Goat. Every club received a certificate of participation as a club. 

Students and teachers alike engaged in hands-on activities, demonstrations, and performances such as tree planting, art & crafts, knitting, recycling, making tangible items like dust bins from dumped bottles, and others.

As a result of this successful event, the school’s Director proposed that May 1st (Labor day) of every year be Clubs Day.

“Environmental sustainability is not just a moral obligation, but an economic imperative. The health of our planet is crucial for the well-being of our businesses and communities.”

Wildlife Club

“We must recognize the intrinsic value of nature and take action to preserve it for future generations. Sustainability is not a choice, it’s a necessity.”

EAC club
4 Facts on Deforestation you need to know! https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/4-facts-on-deforestation-you-need-to-know/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=4-facts-on-deforestation-you-need-to-know Fri, 03 May 2024 01:46:00 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2270 4 Facts on Deforestation you need to know!

Photo: TheFifthEstate.com

Australia has some of the worst rates of deforestation in the world – comparable to Indonesia and Brazil.

Here’s what we’ve uncovered so far about this crisis:

  • Over 73% of deforestation is for beef production. Trees are bulldozed, invasive grasses are planted and cattle are brought in. 
  • From 2016-2021, over 2.2 million hectares of forest and bushland was bulldozed in Queensland alone.
  • The majority of beef sold in Australia ends up sold at Woolworths, Coles, McDonalds and Hungry Jacks. 
  • Today, just 50% of Australia’s original forests and bushland remain intact.

Together, let’s end the deforestation crisis and protect our backyard.

From GreenPeace.org.au

Uganda S4P 2024 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/uganda-s4p-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=uganda-s4p-2024 Wed, 27 Mar 2024 01:40:49 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2223 Speaking 4 the Planet

St. Mark’s College

Namagoma, Uganda


13 April 2024


Support Package link is HERE

St Mark’s College, Namagoma, will host the first-ever Speaking 4 the Planet competition in Uganda. The first ever in Africa!


 Students will participate through their clubs. Each participating club will present four items:

  1. Junior speaker (12-15yrs old) Maximum time 4minutes
  2. Senior speaker (16-20yrs old) Maximum time 4minutes
  3. Art.  One person speaks for maximum 1minute about the artwork. 
  4. One other item chosen from Drama, Dance, Poetry. Maximum time 4minutes.

Bruno Muyunga is taking the lead in making this event happen – the First Speaking 4 the Planet competition in Africa happen! He is an environmental activist and one of the school’s IT specialists. He says, 

It has always been my passion to protect the environment since I grew up seeing the natural environment. Now, sadly, it’s becoming damaged and many species are becoming extinct.

Educators, now, must take up the challenge to help children learn about the conservation of the environment.

While attending the 12th World Environmental Education Congress in Abu Dhabi earlier this yearI realized that St Mark’s College Namagoma can make a difference. I can make a difference. And everyone in our school can be a part of a sustainability journey.  Inspired by what I saw and learned at the 12th WEEC, I have decided to embark on carrying out education and awareness sessions to sensitize people about the natural environment and its contributions to humanity – which I think many people do not know about. I want to help nurture a young generation that can conserve the natural environment.

With support from

Listening 2 the Planet – 2024 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/listening-2-the-planet-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=listening-2-the-planet-2024 Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:42:37 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2199 Australia, Kids 4 Planet, 2024.

This year, the K4P competition asks participants to listen. To listen and hear. To hear and act. To the Earth. The Earth that provides clean air and water, good soils, and a climate that is habitable for all species. 

This year, students are asked to

  • speak
  • or write
  • or draw
  • or make videos
  • or do a STEM activity

that shows the importance of listening. How to do it well. And what they hear… when they listen closely. 

Event Details

  • Venue: Lakemba Public School
  • Date: 27 June 2024

This event invites a handful of local schools in the immediate vicinity of Lakemba PS.  If you are in a different area – anywhere in Australia – and you want to host or participate in such an event, please contact Phil on phil@speaking4theplanet.org.au


Package link

Journey to a Greener Future – 2024 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/journey-to-a-greener-future/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=journey-to-a-greener-future Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:29:24 +0000 https://speaking4theplanet.org.au/?p=2193 Australia, 3 Councils competition, 2024.

Climate Action Burwood Canada Bay is taking the lead in bringing this 2024 S4P competition to the high schools of Burwood, Canada Bay and Strathfield local government areas.  The event will take place on Wednesday 5 June at Domremy College, Five Dock. The topic for the competition is Journey to a Greener FutureAll entries and performances must be based on this topic.

This year, there are 5 categories in this competition: 

  1. Speaking 
  2. Writing 
  3. Visual Arts 
  4. Digital Art
  5. Drama 

Registration is essential.

Given the number of schools across the three LGAs, only nine schools can enter for the speaking and five schools for the drama categories. All schools can enter the art and writing categories.  

Schools must register by contacting Robin at footprintscabcb@gmail.com

See this information package for more details. It contains:

  • Information on each competition category. 
  • The judging criteria. 
  • Links to relevant resources. 