Media articles

Recent media articles relating to Speaking 4 the Planet programs and projects

World Environmental Education Congress, one of the biggest congresses in the environmental education community, gives some words for S4P on their website. To find out more about the impacts of S4P, check them out here! Speaking 4 the Planet – weecnetwork

Following our successful Speaking 4 the Planet event in June, Drummoyne MP Stephanie di Pasqua gave a speech to the NSW Parliament entirely devoted to that event.

To read her full speech, please click here.

To watch the video of her delivering the speech to Parliament, please click here.

Stephanie di Pasqua gave a speech to the NSW Parliament

“One of our long time AAEE members and supporters, Phil Smith, who is also Founder and CEO of Speaking 4 the Planet, has been nominated for the prestigious Earth Prize International 2020.”

Australian Association for Environmental Education

“Speaking 4 the Planet: changing the world – one presentation at a time.”

The New Bush Telegraph

“Over the last 3 years we have been very proud to host Speaking for the Planet: a public speaking opportunity for students.”

Armidale Catholic Schools Office E-Bulletin

“Speaking 4 the Planet is founded on the belief that Science provides the information we need to achieve sustainability, and the Arts are the vehicles to bring change to our societies: Science provides the data; the Arts change the world.”

National Parks Association of NSW

Also you can check out our videos on Youtube.