
4 Facts on Deforestation you need to know!

Photo: TheFifthEstate.com

Australia has some of the worst rates of deforestation in the world – comparable to Indonesia and Brazil.

Here’s what we’ve uncovered so far about this crisis:

  • Over 73% of deforestation is for beef production. Trees are bulldozed, invasive grasses are planted and cattle are brought in. 
  • From 2016-2021, over 2.2 million hectares of forest and bushland was bulldozed in Queensland alone.
  • The majority of beef sold in Australia ends up sold at Woolworths, Coles, McDonalds and Hungry Jacks. 
  • Today, just 50% of Australia’s original forests and bushland remain intact.

Together, let’s end the deforestation crisis and protect our backyard.

From GreenPeace.org.au