Africa, Events

RESULT: UGANDA competition, 2024

On Saturday 13 April 2024, St Mark’s College, Namagoma, Uganda (, hosted the first-ever Speaking 4 the Planet competition in Africa. The college invited participation through its many clubs, and the competition theme was, Use your philosophy as a club to address environmental challenges. 

by St. Mark’s College Namagoma.

Students aged 12-20 participated. Participation was free.

11 clubs participated with over 200 participants from all clubs. They set up interactive booths and displays to showcase their activities. Every participant received a certificate of participation and the outstanding participants got golden medals.

Clubs ranged from academic – Debate & Writers, ICT, Maths, Entrepreneurship, Swahili (EAC) and Science – to creative – Art, Cultural – to community service – Wildlife, Interact, Red Cross, Patriotism.

Each participating club presented four items:

• Junior speaker (12-15yrs old): Maximum time 4 minutes 

• Senior speaker (16-20yrs old): Maximum time 4 minutes

• Art:  One person speaks for maximum 1minute about the artwork. 

• One other item chosen from Drama, Dance, Poetry: Maximum time 4 minutes.

The winning club was the Science Club. The club was awarded a Goat. Every club received a certificate of participation as a club. 

Students and teachers alike engaged in hands-on activities, demonstrations, and performances such as tree planting, art & crafts, knitting, recycling, making tangible items like dust bins from dumped bottles, and others.

As a result of this successful event, the school’s Director proposed that May 1st (Labor day) of every year be Clubs Day.

“Environmental sustainability is not just a moral obligation, but an economic imperative. The health of our planet is crucial for the well-being of our businesses and communities.”

Wildlife Club

“We must recognize the intrinsic value of nature and take action to preserve it for future generations. Sustainability is not a choice, it’s a necessity.”

EAC club